Discover the Swiss socio-legal research networks and institutes. Click on the names for further information. Please let us know if you would like your name, networks, research projects or institute, to appear in our directories using this online questionnaire.

This directory is classified in alphabetical order. You can search by name but also by university or by keyword.


Centre d’étude, de technique et d’évaluation législatives CETEL

Centre de droit des migrations / Zentrum für Migrationsrecht

Centre for Children’s Rights Studies

FRI Swiss institute for feminist legal studies and gender law

Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire sur l’orientation sexuelle et l’identité de genre

Health Law Institute

  • Faculty of Law – University of Neuchâtel
  • Public health law; Medical law; Social security law

Institut de Recherche et de Conseil dans le Domaine de la Famille

Institute for Interdisciplinary Legal Studies – lucernaiuris

International and Comparative SOGIESC Law Institute

  • School of Law, University of Lausanne
  • SOGIESC, LGBTI, comparative law, international law, sexual orientation, gender identity

RC Sociology of Law (Forschungskomittee Rechtssoziologie und Rechtswirklichkeitsforschung, SGS)

Swiss Network of Young Migration Scholars

  • Migration research in all disciplines (law, social sciences, economics, philosophy)